Tuesday, November 18, 2008

blown away

so i gotta tell you about this past saturday.  it was about 36 degrees out and pouring rain.  besideus was planning to give away packed lunches and warm clothes to the needy and homeless in detroit at cass park.  now on a nice day, it would have been nice to see like 6-10 people show up to help serve (6 of them being leaders) but on this cold and rainy saturday, 23 people came excited to serve, not caring about the cost of discomfort.  they came and served with smiles and an unexplainable joy that you can only experience if you participate in something like this.  besideites continue to blow me away with the hearts they have.  that day we allowed Jesus to stand in the midst of the needy in cass park as i know is His desire and serve as is His nature.  He did it through us and it was awesome!  that afternoon we got to serve Jesus lunch and clothe Him (Matt 25).  i am so inspired by besideus...you make me believe we can truly impact this world and see lives changed.  nothing is impossible with Him.  if you're reading this and you had some part in saturdays service project, please share your thoughts or even something that happened that day.  if you just want to share what you think about what we're seeing God do in besideus, that would be great too.  i would love to know what you guys are thinking and what God has been showing you.

before i go, i would like to address anyone who responded to the poll question which asked who God sees when He sees you.  if you answered anything other than "His child, born again" i would really like to talk to you.  if you are willing to talk to me, we can do it in person or you can stay anonymous and just write me.  i would like to understand why you think God sees you the way you believe He does.  

ok, well, i'm looking forward to reading all your responses. 

love you guys

in Christ,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also was blown away by you guys. I can't believe you gave over $300, a ton of clothes, and then showed up on a cold, rainy day to help distribute the lunches and clothes! I've never seen so many people so eager to serve! Even if we wouldn't have helped a single person (which I know we helped close to 100 or more!!), I think this was a great experience for our group. It is so awesome to see you actually excited about helping others. I'd be interested to hear what else you guys would like to do...