Thursday, November 6, 2008

the wait is over!

alright.  i'm sorry for the delay.  here we go!

first of all, i can't answer this previous question without taking a moment to tip my pistons hat to joe d. for his brilliance with the a.i. trade.  the answer to the greatest basketball team was and still is: the detroit pistons.

okay, now for the meat and potatoes.  what does Jesus mean when he says "blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."

i think that after reading all of your comments that you all had great input on the topic.  this is my take on it.  if i have a desire to please God, to see Him, i myself am unable to accomplish this.  romans 3:10-12 is clear about my nature.  i am a sinful man with a sinful nature.  when left to myself, i do not seek God nor the things of God.  when left to myself, i have no desire for Godly virtues nor do i desire to see God.  for though i have no desire to do good on my own, i know He is nothing but good and to be in His presence would be a terrible thing to me.  all that is ugly about my nature would be exposed and no matter my arguments about my entitlements, i know that i am truly guilty and left with no excuse before my creator.  so then, how does ones heart become pure?  i believe the answer is by dying and being resurrected as a new creation.  you may ask how is this possible, but i assure you it is possible and many have done it already!  when i say that one needs to die, i do not mean a physical suicide by any means!  what i mean is to simply stop living the life of a sinful man and to put on the life of a clean man.  this can only be done when you have heard the truth about the Son of God and choose to accept the free gift of forgiveness and grace offered to us.  what i mean is, we must be born again.  Paul writes one of the most astounding and hearts-eye opening statements in 2 corinthians 5:17: "therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things pass away; behold, new things have come."  so you see, in order to please God, i must desire to please God.  and in order for me to desire to please God, i must have the kind of nature to desire such a thing.  now then, once i have a new nature about me with the desire for the things of God, i will desire not only the things of God, but i will desire God Himself.  One cannot hear about a thing so lovely as the God of the bible and not desire to see HIm!  that would be like looking at a glass of lemonade on a hot summer day and not wanting to drink it all up!  one might even say that the person who does not drink it all up is missing a few screws in his head.  my point is that once we have tasted the goodness that is our God, we want more.  we want to please Him.  we want to make him smile and hear Him say back to us "I am so proud to call you mine" or "I love were worth every nail and I'd do it all again to be with you"  just typing the things that i hope so much to hear my Dad say to me makes me want to go out and do whatever it takes to ensure my ears to hear those words spoken to me.  in the end, my pure heart is not the one i was born with, but the one i was reborn with.  and it is with this new heart that i can hope to see God.  for this heart is not my own, but it belongs to Jesus Christ whose heart is completely pure.  because we now share the same heart, it is now possible for me to see God because of this new heart.  how great is our God!  those of us who are born again have the great joy of seeing God because He sees Jesus when He sees us.  if you are unsure who God sees when He looks at you, do not waist another second wondering.  when the check book is in front of you and you are unsure about whether or not you have payed the rent, you do not just sit there and keep open the book to see whether or not you have.  and if you haven't, you get to it right away!  for when the landlord comes to throw you out, it will have been to late.  so don't delay.  this is what God is all about.  redeeming us so He can be with us.  if you want it, just ask Him to forgive you.  then put your faith in Jesus.  one day i made the decision to stop doing things my way cause my way wasn't working out so good.  so i started to do things Gods way and i have never been the same!  now if you already are born again, celebrate!  this is no small thing that has happened!  live out your salvation to the fullest, with fear and trembling, but with joy as well!  

alright, well, that's all i got today.  thanks for reading...i can't wait to see what we'll talk about next.

i love you all...

in Christ



CaSandra said...

How did I know that there was an AI comment Either way I am glad I read this. I needed to hear/process it and also T and I were wondering of the J Roth thoughts on the trade. Thanks for writing, I enjoy it.

Jeremy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
momof3 said...

I am liking the idea of this so when we are unable to make it to besideus we can still get some words of wisdom.