Friday, November 28, 2008

dark black friday

so i think i'm going to write a song called dark black friday.  i will use the day after thanksgivings materialistic gluttony as my theme.  I just want to be up front about this.  for the last week i have been trying hard to place my focus completely on dying to myself and living for God and God alone.  i am a wretched man!  this black friday was for me what naughty pictures are for a guy struggling with porn!  while my wife was excited to find great deals for others, i had completely relapsed into a "me" frenzy running around stores looking for crap for "mmme".  God help me!  feel free to lift your pal "jeremy the selfish" up in your hourly prayers!  "DARN YOU BLACK FRIDAY!"

p.s. lions are 0-12.  huh.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One thing I really love is a leader who knows the struggles that I have first hand. Another thing I love is a leader who wears his crap on his sleave. Not trying to comfort you in your struggle...or make it sound less sinfull. But mad props for sharing it, rather than hiding it. I too struggle with the shiny little luirs of Black Friday. I'm like a Baracuda looking at a shiny piece of metal, and then WHAM!!! It's sunk into my lip and theres no going back. I'm working on becoming less materialistic, but that's a mad hard struggle in our society. Thanks so much for owning your crap, and teaching us through it. We love you much.