Wednesday, January 14, 2009

mmm hmmm

well, it's cold.  i'm cold from snow blowing for the 348,723 time this month.  awesome.  what's your favorite part about winter.  i personally like snow blowing a lot.  i also enjoy shoveling, cleaning the snow and 4 inch thick ice off my sweet 99' ranger.  i'm fond of buying and spreading salt out on my walk ways so that the kids skipping on to school and the mail person don't wipe out, fracture their femurs and sue the crap out of us.  oh, what's so hard to narrow this down to just one favorite.  ha! i got it.  driving 11 mph on the freeway and having some lady blow by me doing like 75 mph in her rad 4x4.  now that rocks my socks right off.  all kidding aside, i actually do like the winter.  i like snow ball fights, sledding, paying more to my gas supplier to heat my house...aww yes...winter.  please, let the rest of us know your favorite parts about winter.  stay warm and may God be with us all.


Anonymous said...

I love snow ball fights and sledding and I love wrestle in the snow to. One thing that I really love is after all of that fun going in side and having a cup of mom's home made hot chocolate and peanut butter toast. I really loved winter.
The sad reality is that I have not even made a snow ball or a snow man this year. I have not sledded or wrestled in the white stuff. I have not had mom's hot chocolate and there has been no peanut butter toast ether. So now I just hate winter. It's to cold, to wet and it cost to much money. O well I guess that’s life or something like it.

Anonymous said...

someone needs to give this person some hot chocolate and peanut butter toast!

Anonymous said...

I like smiling. Smiling is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I like the sound snow makes on a windless night.

Wendy :] said...

Haha Jeremy. I totally started reading your blog and was like what?!?! And then I read it aloud to Jake. I like winter, cause, well, my birthday is in the winter and because Jake got me into snowboarding... which is fun if you know how to do it. Anyone snowboard?