when i was in my early twenties i cleaned carpet. i got to go into a lot of people's houses and see how different people decorate their homes. some people had shelves lined with pictures of their families. others had things that were bought at stores that i think only the wealthy know how to find. there was one house in particular that i remember. it was a very normal house like yours or mine. there were a few books on the book shelves and photos of their loved ones. there were nick knacks and decorative pillows. but there was one wall that was special. this wall was unlike any wall i had seen in any house. there were no autographed jerseys or pictures with movie stars. no doctoral certificates or gold medals. just one picture. i had never seen this picture before and as i stood there looking at it i began to weep uncontrollably. i saw a picture of Jesus holding up a man. in this mans hands were a hammer and a nail. i immediately understood what the artist was saying. you've all probably seen this picture by now. it's titled "Forgiven".
i've sat through many sermons and heard many lectures about what it means to be a christian, what Jesus did for us on the cross, how much God loves us. and they were all fine. i don't know how long it took the artist to paint this message, but to this day it's one of the most memorable and impacting sermons i have ever witnessed. i hope my life is like that picture for others. i hope that when people see the way that i live it would leave a memorable and impacting message of hope for their lives and that no words would be necessary.
I didn't know you cleaned carpets. THAT'S AWESOME!!! Very nicely written.
Thanks for positng your comment Aaron...what's up with the rest of you though. I've seen more action in a nursing home. C'mon gang,let's see your thoughts up pon here. Throw some posts up for cryin' out loud. Let's use this forum to really dig in together. I love reading all of your comments.
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