Monday, December 1, 2008

our annual thanksgiving pot luck

so yesterday was our annual thanksgiving potluck.  good food, good times, great memories.  with thanksgiving done, it's time for us to look ahead to the Christmas season.  it's so exciting to be part of a group of believers who love to serve others.  this Christmas we are going to help with the giving tree, pass out food at open door, and adopt an elderly woman.  Christi and i love Christmas and the more we grow in Christ the more we love it.  you see, the reason is because we used to think Christmas was all about us.  but now we find joy in making Christmas about modeling God's example of love by giving to others that way he gave Jesus to the world.  
i hope you'll join us in the true meaning of the season.  one thing we do that is way powerful is bake a cake and sing happy birthday to Jesus on Christmas.  feel free to adopt this tradition.  it's pretty much awesome.

now go eat a candy cane....

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