Friday, December 12, 2008
keep a yo head up
you remember that song that i think came out in like the 80's, the one that went: "keep a yo head up-ooh child, things are gonna get easier-ooh child things 'll get brighter"...i can't say that things are gonna get easier but let me plead with ya'll...keep your heads up. all day long all i heard on the radio was about how horrible things are in michigan, the country, the economy, the world, and on and on. i'm not blind to the fact that this is the hardest time our generation has ever seen and that many of you are hurting and struggling and worrying and i can understand but please, please keep you heads up! God is aware of all you are going through. He isn't caught off guard by the things that are happening. I believe with all my heart that now is the time, if you aren't already, to give it all to God. all you got. leave nothing behind. i know that this is the typical thing many of you would expect me to say but know that i too need to follow my own pleading for laying all we have before the throne and trusting God completely with all that is our lives. happy friday. rain down your joy on us daddy...let it rain!!!
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The worst time for this generation will occur because of it running to socialism. The more I study the Austrian Theory of Economics the angrier I get watching moronic pundits on news shows. People that don't vaguely understand the actual problems are the ones offering solutions. Hyperinflation is the worst possible scenario for Americans. The last thing this situation needs is foolish government intervention.
Just curious do you have some issue with capital letters?
That's funny...because the more I study the life of Jesus, the more I find that the problem was not the political system of the day. It was that those who should've been closest to God were getting too focused on political junk. The world was spiriling out of control then, just as it is now. People tried to push Jesus into public office back then, just as too many religious leaders are trying to do with their adgendas now. Like that friend of Jeremy's said at the retreat about Romans getting their gay on back then, as well as abortions happening more then, than even nowadays, but Jesus never got angry with the current events/economy/politics. He never even spoke about those issues. What He spoke of was how mssed up our relationships with the father is. As for me (I totally realize that this may sound a little silly, but...), I kind of hope that things keep getting worse. Maybe if the economy gets sooooo bad, maybe the American Church will eventually wake up and start serving like Christ showed us...and maybe we'll put asside our political adgendas. If we see our neighbors families being thrown out onto the lawn, because they couldn't afford their mortgage, maybe we'll take them in. Maybe, just maybe, if things get bad enough, Christians will actually start reading their Bibles, and sharing the gospel with the people that matter to them.
I am by no means saying that socialism is, Well, I love our country, and have fought for it with my own life in battle. And would do so again if called upon...but, when I look at persecuted Churches in other countries, I see an alive and vibrant body. Living out what Christ called them to be. As for best, we are asleep. I'm down for whatever is going to wake us up. Even if that means ruining the country that I love.
I send in His love...hit me back with some thoughts.
Much Love,
Alright first off let me say thank you for your military service. The sacrifice you made by serving America is far greater than anything I’ve ever done.
Yes the religious leaders of Jesus day became a group focused on extreme legalism. Jesus pointed out to them they were violating the spirit of the law. I wasn’t at the retreat so I can’t speak about whom said what, but political systems certainly make a difference. Had Jesus been alive in a period without the brutality of the Roman Empire we might have more knowledge of his life, and fewer martyrs. I agree that Faith trumps politics, country, and economic system. Although I make that concession politics and economic systems are tremendously important and nothing is wrong with being Christian and holding views on them.
On to Socialism
Should we want our neighbors to wait in line for bread, I mean for hours not the routine trip to the store. Should we want our neighbors to live under a government that doesn’t believe that “all men are. . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” (Declaration of Independence, 1776) Should we want our neighbors to experience the Atheist/Communist horrors of the blood stained 20th century. Socialism and Communism are based off the writings of Karl Marx. Marx was firmly atheist, now Marx himself wasn’t a revolutionary he merely dealt in theory. He didn’t put his words into practice, others did with horrible results. He would have preferred capitalism to uncivilized society, he mentions this in his writings. A personal hero of mine said it best “I agree with you in theory. In theory communism works. In theory.” (Homer Simpson, 1994) The problem with this theory is the practitioners believe they can change human nature, an extremely unchristian doctrine.
I agree that we need to do a better job sharing the gospel with family and friends. I struggle sharing myself, but I submit having political and economic views aren’t the reason for this deficiency. Those persecuted for belief in Jesus in other countries are the greatest testimony to the power of faith, they shame us. Things are likely to get worse and may have to before they get better. While we need to be ambassadors for Christ no matter the government, I don’t see the problem with encouraging the benefits of true free market capitalism, not the pseudo socialism we’re under now. I don’t understand the need to suffer for things we can plainly see already happened in the history books. I prefer freedom over tyranny.
Your turn my friend
Dude, I am totally diggin your thoughts and dialogue. Thanks a ton for your input. This, I believe, is what sharpens us. My appologies for waiting so long to get back with you. Holidays mixxed way too many things up...things are much calmer now and I can get back to my routine again.
First, I must toss out, how much I respect you, and how well thought out your ideas are. I believe, that "in theory", you and I would fight and argue for the same things...but to toss around some brotherly banter, is merely in fun and to sharpen our swords.
On the thought of socialism...I know that things may look quite this way in our present situation. However, please dont be deceived. What we are presently dealing with is actually something called Secular Humanism. The economical view of this major World View is that of socialism. And the theology would be best desribed as Atheistic. However, they differ in some areas. SUch as the ethical make up of this view would be described as Ethical Relativity vs Marxisms Proletariat Morality. Their psychological views are that of Self-Actualization vs Marxisms Pavlonian Behavorialism. These things may seem like minor details, but added up, they present a much different beast for us as Christians to battle than that of Marxism (what some believe to be Socialism).
You mentioned that you do not see the problem with free market and trade...I would agree..with a caveat. Please allow me to paint this picture, and then I'll tie it all together in a moment:
In AD 100 there were about 25,000 Christians total in the world. Now something really significant happened in April of 311 AD. The Roman Emperor Galerius issued an edict that all religions were to be tolerated, including Christianity. And then, the next Emperor, named Constantine, in 313 AD took it one step further when he basically declared Christianity the official religion of the nation. But what was happening between 100 AD, when there were 25,000 Christians and 311 AD, when Christianity becomes tolerated? Well, Christianity was illegal. If you became a Christian you knew you were inviting persecution, and perhaps death. If you talked about Christianity openly you would certainly be persecuted, probably thrown in jail, maybe killed. Between 100 and 311 AD there were no church buildings, no public church services, no officially licensed pastors, they had no Christian radio, no Christian TV, no Christian web sites, no Christian bumper stickers and no Christian t-shirts. They didn’t even have the Bible put together yet to give to people! So in 100 AD, there’s 25,000 Christians – and that’s what’s going on between 100 and 311 AD, how much do you suppose Christianity spread between 100 and 311 AD? The number of Christians grew in those years from 25,000 to 20 million. From 25,000 to 20 million!
In 1941 there were about 2 million Christians in China. But something really significant happened in China in 1941 – MaoTsatung took over. And MaoTsatung hated religion of any kind, including/especially Christianity. So the first thing he did was make Christianity illegal. Second he banished all foreign missionaries/ministers, sending them all back to their home countries. Third, he took away all church property, so now there are no church buildings. Next, he killed the senior leader of every church, and killed or imprisoned the second and third level leaders of every church. He also banned all public meetings of Christians. And, throughout his reign, the government persecuted Christians whenever they were sniffed out. This all happened starting in 1941. MaoTsatung was also very paranoid and opposed to foreigners so he didn’t let media or journalists in to his country. People called it the “bamboo curtain” he put around China. So during his reign, the rest of the world was kind of in the dark as to what was happening there. Well, MaoTsatung died in 1976, and a new leader took over who was not so intensely paranoid, and so he started to allow foreign journalists, and even Christians into the country (but only under strict supervision). And Christians who had been there back in 1941 wondered, “What happened to Christianity in China during the 35 years of MaoTsatung’s reign?” And they assumed that it had died. That it had just been completely snuffed out. I mean bibles had been outlawed, public meetings of Christians had been outlawed, all the leaders had been killed. They expected to find very few, if any, Christians. You know what they found? There were now 60 million Christians. Christianity grew between 1941 and 1976 from 2 million to 60 million.
What my point in all of this rambling? It's that The Church THRIVES under persecution. The American Church is currently dying, at a horendous rate. We are living fat and happy, and it's Killing our spiritual livelihood.
I totally do not want my kids to be persecuted, or live under an atheistic dictator. However, I am fully willing to saccrifice those wishes if I knew that it would bring life back to the Church in America. If it would cure us of our insatiable MATERIALISM. And then, maybe we wouldn't need missionaries to be sent to us from Africa.
Sorry it's so long...and again...sorry for the delay...I hope I'm not too late to continue this conversation.
With the deepest respect, and in His love,
Your Fan.
Thanks for the response my friend. I apologize it took me so long to get back commenting, Kwanza has been crazy this year. I think you make some very good points here and I see where you’re going. I’m curious about your numbers, not because I doubt them, merely because I’m curious where they come from. This leads to another question I don’t know about that perhaps you do. At the onset of Christianity after the resurrection do you know approximately how many Jews were around? Did Christianity take a significant bite out of the Jewish population? Today it’s relatively small has it always been or did Christianity absorb a large percentage of it.
Back to Martyrdom
I certainly wouldn’t like to suffer, but do wonder what would happen if I was in that situation. It’s something to read Foxe’s Book of Martyr’s, very challenging, yet a testament to true belief in God. I don’t have a lot else to add to this argument. Condensed, Socialism bad, but Christianity has thrived under oppression. Capitalism good, but for the most part Church’s in these type countries have lost their way for numerous reasons.
I’m a bit tired so I’ll end it here. I’m glad you responded, I was worried I might have offended you. I like people that have an opinion and back it up, if you can’t what’s the point of having it. I don’t care if no one else uses this blog, it’s fun going back and forth. Still not sure of your identity, but it’s all good.
Talk to you later sir
'm personally lovin' the back n' 4th between the 2 of you!
I love your thoughts, and I am definately looking forward to meeting up with you someday. I am quite certain that will happen, and please allow me to buy you a cup of some delish Starbucks for exchange with some of your conversation.
My info comes from an aray of sources. A couple of crazy sweet books is, UnChristian by a couple of dudes named David Kinnman, and Gabe Lyons. This book should be a must read for all "Christians" everywhere. Another great book, with a little less slap in the face, but still good info is Forgotten Ways by Allen Hirsch. Its got some really good stats in there that are worth noting.
Allot of other info comes from history books I've read. A great one from a class I took once is Understanding the Times. It's a college course book, but some great insight. It paints the clear picture that we need to fight 'Secular Humanism' if our faith is to survive in our country. As discussed, a bit resembling of Socialism, however, riddled with greed and materialism. Kind of a contrast to Marx's socialism.
I agree on Fox's book of Martyrs. Holy crap, if that book doesnt move someone to be more motivated, or feel just a little bit guilty of our apethy, nothing will.
I really hope you check out Unchristian, it's totally worth your time in reading.
Much Love & your fan,
Fan of BesideUs
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