Monday, December 22, 2008
the longest and busiest weekend of all time and it all started with the dumbest snow storm ever
my weekend was long and tiresome yet fulfilling. tonight, christi and i are recovering. i am really too tired to say much other than to say that i am grateful for everything we had going on this weekend as well as grateful that God got me through trucking on friday through deathstorm '08! you ever notice that sometimes the things we dread can be just what we needed..kinda like a shot. no one wants to get a shot but, it is just what they need to recover or feel better. this weekend was like a shot. we had 73,293,002,849 things to do and most of it was to serve others and visit our family which left me no time to be selfish and that messed with my flesh. ha ha haha ha! everything went great and i do feel better. i dreaded this past weekend like a shot...but after going through it all, i feel better for it. just my simple thoughts. God bless.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
the good guys
i'm on the connection team at connection church. basically, i call people who are newer and in the age range of 18-30. today, i talked to a fine gentleman named Scott. he tells me he and his wife like our church a lot. i invite them to besideus (our young adults ministry) and he informs me that due to the fact that he is in the army, his schedule makes it difficult for him to attend church much. i thanked him for his service (i have the highest respect for those who serve in our military). i asked him if i could get a little personal with him and assured him that it was just a military question. after he agreed, i asked "on returning from war, our WWII vets were thrown parades and people adored them for their bravery, commitment, and sacrifice...rightly so. when our troops returned from Vietnam, we didn't throw any parades, we threw rocks and hurled insults...frankly disgusting. how have you been received by the civilians since returning to the states?" i gotta be honest. i really and truthfully expected to hear him say that everyone has been great. maybe some have thanked him and maybe some guys shook his hand or offered to buy him a coffee or a beer or something just to say "thank you". i really believed that our generation would not repeat the ignorance, and i mean with complete sincerity the absolute ignorance of those in the past who treated our beloved military sons and daughters less than unwanted. Scott begins to tell me how he was just getting home from a military funeral for a colonel who died while serving in Iraq. he said that after the funeral, he stopped off at a meijer store to grab a few things and he said that while he was walking through the store, several people gave him dirty looks and angry glares. need i comment further? i mean, do i really need to say anything at all? look, i know that a lot of americans out there would at the very least pass a man or woman in uniform and treat them the same as anyone else. but obviously there are a handful of so called americans who feel that they are smarter than those who make the big decisions and could have done a better job themselves. please, no matter what your stance is on this or any war at all, have the decency to treat our military servants, active or veteran, with at least the same respect you would any other human being. for you who feel the need to display your unkind gestures to our service men and women, you can take freedom of speech and freedom of the anti war glaring stink eye and shove it. it's called respect and some people in this country could use a lesson in what that means. i can tell you now that i am not mr. pro war...however there is a time for war and when that time comes, we need to honor those who serve. let's not forget who the good guys are.
Friday, December 12, 2008
keep a yo head up
you remember that song that i think came out in like the 80's, the one that went: "keep a yo head up-ooh child, things are gonna get easier-ooh child things 'll get brighter"...i can't say that things are gonna get easier but let me plead with ya'll...keep your heads up. all day long all i heard on the radio was about how horrible things are in michigan, the country, the economy, the world, and on and on. i'm not blind to the fact that this is the hardest time our generation has ever seen and that many of you are hurting and struggling and worrying and i can understand but please, please keep you heads up! God is aware of all you are going through. He isn't caught off guard by the things that are happening. I believe with all my heart that now is the time, if you aren't already, to give it all to God. all you got. leave nothing behind. i know that this is the typical thing many of you would expect me to say but know that i too need to follow my own pleading for laying all we have before the throne and trusting God completely with all that is our lives. happy friday. rain down your joy on us daddy...let it rain!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
oh, the winter
i like living in michigan. i haven't always liked it but, as i have gotten older i have learned to appreciate the beauty of the 4 seasons. many places have 2 long seasons with like a couple a weeks of fall and a week of spring. but in the mitten we get 4 squares a year. with the change of seasons come the bodies reaction to the change. i just had my annual holiday with my pal mr. sinus/head cold this week. that was a real treat. i can't help when looking at how seasons changing effect the inhabitants of the area in transformation. when winter arrives, we are all effected greatly. it's unavoidable unless you uproot and move to a warmer climate. this is how i think it is spiritually for us in the midst of the changing of seasons. when the time for summer seasons in our spirituality give way to a terrifically brutal winter, we typically look for a way out, a way back to the comfort of the warmth. most of us will whine and complain about how things were in the "summer" while a small group of people run into the blistering winds with an eagerness to be be taught what only winters can teach. while most hibernate begging for the return of the good old days when life was comfortable and easy, scheduled and predictable, a few of us relish the late sunrise and the early dusk. we want to grow. we want to have stories to tell others about how we fought the cold with wise snow caps and jackets of righteousness. our winter boots leading us and the peace that was only given to those who trust the leading of those boots of wool and rubber. a few, only a few want to hand these ways down to their children and their childrens children. those fanatical lunatics cry out "bring forth the warfare!" if you're one of those crazy fearless fanatics then you know just how to enter a winter just by simply asking for it...just ask God who gives generously "Daddy, i want to love people more, i want to be more patient, give me wisdom, whatever it takes, i want it and i want to give it back in return." while most ask for summer, the believers know that there comes a time when you get down on your knees and softly ask our Heavenly Father to send a cold breeze their way.
Monday, December 8, 2008
wow...missed bloggin'
so, my amazing mac went on the fritz, the hard drive crashed and so i had to give up my laptop for a few days. i've spent most of my free time the last couple days trying to restore my mac back to the way it was when i turned it in (i could preach metaphorically on that for about a solid 20 minutes).
anywho, i was thinking about Justin's message in besideus last night and it was really good to hear what he had to say about the cost of following Jesus. not because it was a flowery, easy to hear message with promises of eternal bliss, but because it was the truth. the cost of following Jesus completely is great but so is the reward.
write me back. i want to know what runs through your mind when you hear someone explain the cost of following Jesus completely and being willing to give up EVERYTHING to follow Him to the end. be real. be honest with yourself. i won't lie...i know beyond any doubt that His way of living would bring anyone who follows Him to the fullest life imaginable, but it is hard to get out of that every day, me-me-me, materialistic and worldy mind set.
to sum Justin's message up, i think what Jesus said when He told us we had to take up our cross DAILY and follow Him is what this is all about. okay, i'll wait to hear back from ya'll.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
without words
when i was in my early twenties i cleaned carpet. i got to go into a lot of people's houses and see how different people decorate their homes. some people had shelves lined with pictures of their families. others had things that were bought at stores that i think only the wealthy know how to find. there was one house in particular that i remember. it was a very normal house like yours or mine. there were a few books on the book shelves and photos of their loved ones. there were nick knacks and decorative pillows. but there was one wall that was special. this wall was unlike any wall i had seen in any house. there were no autographed jerseys or pictures with movie stars. no doctoral certificates or gold medals. just one picture. i had never seen this picture before and as i stood there looking at it i began to weep uncontrollably. i saw a picture of Jesus holding up a man. in this mans hands were a hammer and a nail. i immediately understood what the artist was saying. you've all probably seen this picture by now. it's titled "Forgiven".
i've sat through many sermons and heard many lectures about what it means to be a christian, what Jesus did for us on the cross, how much God loves us. and they were all fine. i don't know how long it took the artist to paint this message, but to this day it's one of the most memorable and impacting sermons i have ever witnessed. i hope my life is like that picture for others. i hope that when people see the way that i live it would leave a memorable and impacting message of hope for their lives and that no words would be necessary.
life is so good!
Monday, December 1, 2008
ooh...someone else wants to talk
Hi Everyone!!! It's me, Christi
So, I have a question for you guys....
What is your favorite Christmas song?
Why do I ask??? Because I flippin' LOVE Christmas music. I tune in the day after Halloween to WNIC and rock out to Christmas music until after Christmas. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the holiday season and everything about it. Christmas time is my favorite. Smiling is my favorite too. If you've seen the Christmas movie "Elf", then you know what I'm talking cotton headed ninny muggins!
My all time favorite Christmas song as of a few years ago is Drummer Boy by Mercy Me. It is so powerful. If you haven't heard it, I highly recommend you check it out immediately. I never even paid attention to the words of that song until I heard Mercy Me's rendition of it. Amazzzzzzing, I tell ya.
That's all I got. Please stay tuned, as I may pop in every so often to ask my questions and run my mouth.
Love to you alllllll,
our annual thanksgiving pot luck
so yesterday was our annual thanksgiving potluck. good food, good times, great memories. with thanksgiving done, it's time for us to look ahead to the Christmas season. it's so exciting to be part of a group of believers who love to serve others. this Christmas we are going to help with the giving tree, pass out food at open door, and adopt an elderly woman. Christi and i love Christmas and the more we grow in Christ the more we love it. you see, the reason is because we used to think Christmas was all about us. but now we find joy in making Christmas about modeling God's example of love by giving to others that way he gave Jesus to the world.
i hope you'll join us in the true meaning of the season. one thing we do that is way powerful is bake a cake and sing happy birthday to Jesus on Christmas. feel free to adopt this tradition. it's pretty much awesome.
now go eat a candy cane....
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