Tuesday, October 28, 2008

what do you think?

hi ya'll,

well, i was asked a question today that i would like to open up for discussion.  in the gospel book of matthew, Jesus is delivering the beginning of His sermon on the mount which is referred to as the "beatitudes".   it starts in chapter 5.  the question was this:  in verse 8 Jesus says: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." what do you think Jesus means when He says this.
what is a pure heart and does He mean we will literally see God with our eyes or does He refer to seeing God in a different way?  i'll share my thoughts on it tomorrow.

life is good and i can't wait to hear how everyones doing.  

gotta go.  love you guys and talk to you soon.

Monday, October 27, 2008

more to come

i have to go to bed now, but tomorrow i'll have more time to share.  i can tell you that i am honestly excited for what i see happening in besideus.  i believe i hear the stirring of a mighty tribe on the verge of more than awakening but moving with a mission.  i am wondering how you all are feeling, what you're thinking after the retreat.  what about the things that justin shared with all of us last night...how did that effect you?  does the announcement about my short term absence bother you or give you doubts about the forward motion and growth of besideus?  are you inspired by the challenges laid before you by justin and the leaders?  what about my challenge to see this ministry double in size while i am away?  

these are just a lot of questions i'm throwing out there for you to think about and respond to.  feel free to ask me whatever.  

i miss you all already and love you.  see you tomorrow.
